
Links and Resources

August 2011

For all its emphasis on work, economics is actually based on the far more sensible assumption that people prefer leisure to work. Which is why all proper economists are teachers or professional footballers. We work in order to earn income that will that will buy us other things we want, such as food and shelter, or for Mrs Tucker shoes and for Miss Davie,s cakes... In other words we have much more of a leisure ethic than work ethic which makes sixth formers rather good economists as well.
Labour Markets Links

Labour Market Statistics from the ONS

Trade Union Congress - the voice of Britain at work

Government Regional policy

Centre for Economic and Social Inclusion - local labour market data

English Football Premier League Player Wage Survey

Labour Market Issues

Demand for Labour - Tutor2U Presentation

Supply of Labour - Tutor2U Presentation

Wages Determination - Tutor2U Presentation

Wage Differentials - Tutor2U Presentation

Trade Unions -Tutor2U Presentation

Flexible Labour Markets - Tutor2U Presentation

Student Information
Other links and Resources
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